Monday, March 9, 2009


i'm ready to run again.

i'm ready to be a pump addict.

i'm ready to watch gossip girl religiously every week. and the city...and get caught up on d-hoes.

i'm ready for spring to come again and to enjoy riding my bike and laying out at the KH pool.

i'm ready to dream, breathe, sleep, and eat fashion.

i'm ready to venture out and make new friends.

i'm ready to reconnect with old friends.

i'm ready to start loving life again.

From down here at the bottom, all I can say is that things are definitely looking up!


Rachael said...

yay for life! we have to go on bike rides together, i have a portable ipod player that i put in my basket. it is siiiiiiick.

Alexandra said...

YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! WOOOT! I think you should blog about our last night... hhaha best night ever!